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Native and Ornamental Trees Autumn 2024

Currently available from the Nursery or local delivery by our own transport. Please visit or contact us to discus your requirements.
Plant Name Common Name Description Pot Size Price
Acacia boormanii Snowy River Wattle.  A feathery mass of very narrow linear grey-green leaves (phyllodes). Makes a large shrub with panicles of scented, lemon-yellow mimosa flowers in early spring. Rarely offered in the UK. Ht & Sp 2-3m. 7.5L £25.00
Acacia dealbata Mimosa, silver wattle Fragrant bright yellow flowers cover this fast growing evergreen tree in early spring.  Needs a sheltered position or warm wall.  Height 4m x spread 1.8m (After 5 years) 7.5L £20.00
Acer palmatum 'Atropurpureum' Japanese Maple Rounded multi stemmed tree with cut leaves, rich purple turning crimson in autumn. Young plant can be damaged by frost. Height 4m X Spread 3m after 20 years. 2L £10.00
Acer palmatum 'Emerald Lace' Japanese Maple Very finely dissected emerald green leaves appear on the arching branches, creating a softly rounded crown, which turns dazzling shades of red and orange in autumn.  Ht & Sp. Up to 4m. 2L £10.00
Acer pensylvanicum Snake Bark Maple Deciduous tree of upright growth, with white-striped green young branches. Attractive, pink/ red buds in spring open to large bright green leaves, which turn bright yellow in autumn. Ht. 4m x Sp. 3m 2L £12.00
Aesculus hippocastanum Horse Chestnut A large deciduous tree with large palmate leaves and cluster of white flowers followed by Large shiny brown seed in spikey casings (Conkers).  Ht. & Sp. Up to 20m 2L £8.00
Arbutus unedo Strawberry Tree Evergreen tree with honey scented white flowers in late autumn, followed by strawberry like red fruits. Any soil full sun, protect from cold wind. Height 5m X Spread 3m after 10-15 years 2L £10.00
Betula nana Dwarf/ Mountain Birch A small form of Birch making a small rounded shrub to 120cm.  Very hardy and happy in moist ground. 2L £8.00
Betula pendula Common Silver Birch A graceful, slender, native tree that carries all year round interest. The silvery peeling bark develops with age and slightly pendulous branches. bright green leaves turning buttery yellow in the autumn. Ht. up to 30m 4L deep £9.00
Castanea sativa Sweet Chestnut A large vigorous deciduous tree with rugged, grooved bark and glossy, serrate, oblong-lanceolate leaves to 20cm in length. Male catkins to 15cm in length, yellowish, followed by spiny fruits containing edible nuts. Ht. 12m+ 4L deep £9.00
Cedrus deodara Himalayan Cedar A magnificent conifer with attractive silver needles and graceful weeping habit.
Makes a good specimen tree with pleasing pyramidal shape.
2L £10.00
Cedrus libani Cedar of Lebanon An evergreen conifer making a large tree, developing a broad crown with tiered branching. Needles to 3cm, dark green, mostly whorled. Oval cones to 12cm. Ht. up to 30m. 2L £10.00
Cercidiphyllum japonicum Katsura Tree An outstanding tree with attractive rounded leaves, attractive purple hints on young growth in Spring.  Excellent Autumn foliage smells of caramel.  Ht. 6m x Sp. 3m in 20 years.  Best in rich, moist soil. 4L   £16.00
Crataegus x med 'Crimson Cloud' Crimson Thorn A dense, spreading tree with glossy, dark green foliage. Crimson lightly scented flowers with creamy centres appear during May,  developing into tiny red berries in the autumn. Flowering from an early age. Good for wildlife. Ht. 4m x Sp. 3m. 15L £35.00
Davidia involucrata Handkerchief Tree A unique, medium-sized deciduous tree with bright green, broad ovate leaves.  Much admired for its creamy white bracts to 20cm in length, during  May, that give a spectacular display. 7.5L £40.00
Fagus sylvatica 'Purpurea' Copper Beech A medium to large deciduous tree with attractive red/ purple foliage.  Very hardy and will tolerate most conditions, always makes an impressive tree. Can also be trained as a hedge. Ht to 20m+ 7.5L £35.00
Fagus sylvatica Common Beech Large, vigorous deciduous tree with broad, spreading crown. Leaves broadly elliptic, yellow-green in spring, rich golden copper to russet-brown in autumn. Ht. up to 30m 7.5L £20.00
Hoheria 'Borde Hill' Ribbonwood 'Borde Hill' A small, narrow tree or large shrub, with attractive peeling bark and shiny, evergreen leaves. Masses of white, bell-shaped flowers in mid- to late summer. Ht. up to 5m 7.5L £30.00
Juglans nigra Black Walnut A vigorous, large, deciduous, broad-crowned tree with large pinnate leaves, 10cm long male catkins and insignificant female flowers followed by globose green fruits, 5cm wide.  Ht. 12m+ 4L deep £12.00
Juglans regia Common Walnut A medium-sized, broad-crowned deciduous tree. Leaves with 5-7 large oblong leaflets, aromatic when bruised. Male catkins to 10cm in length; fruits green, globose, 5cm in width, with edible kernel. Ht. 12m+ 4L deep £12.00
Liquidambar styraciflua American Sweetgum Large deciduous tree with maple like leaves.  Produces amazing autumn colours especially when subjected to frost.  Any moist soils, Ht 6m in 10 years, ultimately 20m. 2L £9.00
Liriodendron tulipifera Tulip Tree Large deciduous tree with tulip like green flowers in Mid Summer.  Fertile well drained soil.  Ht 10m x Sp. 6m in 15 years, Ultimately up to 35m. 2L £10.00
Malus 'Evereste' Crab Apple An excellent pollinating tree for other apples.  This is an attractive compact tree with an abundance of white, blushed pink blossom in Spring. Bright red fruits in Autumn.  Ht. 3m. 7.5L £27.00
Malus 'Laura' Crab Apple A dwarf, upright  tree ideal for small gardens. Dark purple-green leaves and stunning pink and white flowers in April. Persistent large, round, maroon fruit perfect for the best crab apple jelly. Ht. 3m x Sp. 1.5m 15L £40.00
Malus 'Louisa' Crab Apple A charming graceful tree of weeping habit forming an umbrella shape. Dark green leaves. Rose coloured buds open to true pink flowers. Small lemon to golden-orange fruit festoon the branches in the autumn. Ht. 3. x Sp. 2m 7.5L £30.00
Malus 'Pink Glow' Crab Apple A round headed tree with strong single white flowers followed by bright pink fruit that look like plums. Crops in mid-September and has good disease resistant. Very ornamental and makes good jelly. Ht. 4m x Sp. 3m 7.5L £30.00
Malus 'Red Sentinel' Crab Apple A Good pollinator with Scented white flowers.  Red crab apples that are useful for Christmas decorations, good also for crab apple jelly.  Ht. 3m. 7.5L £27.00
Metasequoia glyptostroboides Dawn Redwood A superb deciduous conifer that makes a striking stand alone specimen. Soft green feathery foliage, and attractive cinnamon brown, flaky bark.  Very Good in damp acid soils.  (Ht. 7m x Sp. 2m in 10 years) 4L £18.00
Nyssa sylvatica Tupelo or Black Gum Tree A small, slow-growing deciduous tree of elegant, broad, conical habit. Leaves turn brilliant red and yellow in autumn. Inconspicuous flowers and fruits.  Eventual ht. 12 m x Sp. 8m.  2L £10.00
Paulownia tomentosa Foxglove Tree A medium sized deciduous tree with large hairy leaves.  Spectacular large sprays of mauve foxglove like flowers.  Can be maintained as a smaller tree, useful in the exotic border. 2L £12.00
Pinus radiata Monterey Pine A vigorous evergreen conifer making a large tree to 30m or more, developing a broad rounded crown with maturity. Dense dark green needles in threes, and persistent, conical-ovoid cones to 15cm in length. 2L £7.00
Platanus × hispanica London Plane  A magnificent, large deciduous tree with beautiful flaking grey and cream bark. Maple-like leaves up to 20cm wide. Inconspicuous flowers are followed by clustered, burr-like fruits.  Ht. up to 30m. 4L deep £10.00
Prunus 'Beni-yutaka' Flowering Cherry A medium-sized, umbrella-shaped, deciduous tree producing big clusters of large, fragrant, semi-double flowers that open white and age to soft pink, in mid to late spring. Foliage turns red in autumn. Ht. 8m. 7.5L £30.00
Prunus 'Chocolate Ice'  Japanese Flowering Cherry Stunning small tree of upright habit when young, spreading as it ages. Large, showy flowers open blush white against the newly emerged red tinted, chocolate brown foliage in April-May. Ht. 4m x Sp. 3m 15L £45.00
Prunus 'Kanzan' Japanese Flowering Cherry A well known & showy variety, with dense double, glowing purple/pink flowers in late April. The spring foliage is coppery red turning green and then orange in autumn. Ht. 5m x Sp. 4m 7.5L £30.00
Prunus 'Tiltstone Hellfire' Japanese Flowering Cherry A small tree which grows with a classic upright vase shape. Pretty, soft pink, single flowers are produced in spring. Glossy, dark metallic green leaves turn deep red and purple in the autumn.  Ht. 5m x Sp. 4m 15L £40.00
Quercus robur English Oak A large deciduous tree developing a magnificent, broad crown, the leaves with shallow, rounded lobes, turning reddish-brown in autumn. Inconspicuous yellow-green catkins among the young leaves. Ht. 12m+ 4L deep £9.00
Quercus palustris Pin Oak A strong-growing, large deciduous tree with a dense, slightly pendulous crown. Deeply lobed leaves to 15cm, with whisker-tipped teeth, turn reddish-brown or bright crimson in autumn. Ht. up to 20m 4L deep £10.00
Quercus rubra Red Oak A fast-growing large deciduous tree with an open, spreading crown and broad leaves to 22cm in length, turning red or red-brown in autumn. Flowers greenish, inconspicuous. Ht. up to 25m 4L deep £10.00
Sorbus cashmiriana Kashmir Rowan Excellent small tree of open and spreading habit. Leaves are dark green above and grey green underneath, turning orange and yellow in autumn. Bears lovely, pink tinted, creamy white flowers between April and May followed by large white berries which last well into winter. Ht. 4m x Sp. 3m 15L £40.00
Sorbus 'Eastern Promise' Mountain Ash 'Pink Pagoda' A small, upright, oval headed tree with pinnate leaves that turn purple and orange-red in autumn. White flowers appear in spring, followed by heavy, dense clusters of deep rose pink berries in autumn. Ht. 5m x Sp. 3m 15L £40.00
Sorbus 'Ghose' Mountain Ash 'Ghose' A small, upright tree with bluish-green leaves, turning gold and red in autumn. Large clusters of creamy-white flowers in spring are followed by large bunches of small, soft pink berries that remain into winter. Ht.4m 15L £40.00
Sorbus pseudohupehensis ’Pink Pagoda’ Hupeh Rowan 'Eastern Promise' An outstanding form with blue-green, large, pinnate leaves, red twigs and petioles, and white flower clusters in spring. The profuse fruit are a vivid pink slowly turning white by mid-winter. Ht. 4m x Sp. 3m 15L £40.00
Sorbus aria 'Lutescens' Whitebeam 'Lutescens' A medium-sized deciduous tree, erect when young, spreading with age. Leaves to 10cm, broadly elliptic, silvery in spring, becoming grey-green. Creamy-white flowers followed by orange-red berries.  Ht. 8m. 15L £35.00
Sorbus aucuparia Rowan A conical to rounded deciduous tree with pinnate mid to dark green leaves turning red or yellow in autumn, and flat clusters of white flowers in late spring, followed by orange-red berries in early autumn. Ht. up to 12m. 4L deep £9.00
Sorbus ulleungensis 'Olympic Flame' Ulleung Island Rowan 'Olympic Flame' A small, columnar tree with fantastic autumn colour, the large leaves with their many leaflets turn vibrant red and orange. Creamy-white flowers in late spring develop into clusters of shiny red berries that persist from autumn into winter. Ht. 5m. 15L £40.00